We have reached our target of manufacturing our first 1000 reusable nappies! And it is of HUGE thanks to all of you!
We are so excited to plant our first UK native tree and we have chosen the Wild Cherry Tree.
This is one of my favourite trees, not only for the beautiful blossom but for the fruit it provides.
Growing up in Mid-Wales we would often see it growing in the hedgerows and down on the side of the river banks!
We now need to find the perfect place to plant our tree and this is where you can help!
Have you got the perfect spot in ming? Maybe a school, hospital or meaningful place?
We would love to hear your ideas and hopefully one of these spots will become the new home to our 'Bird Cherry Tree'!
Bird cherry is a deciduous tree native to the UK and Europe.
Common name: bird cherry
Scientific name: Prunus padus Family: Rosaceae
UK provenance: native
Interesting fact: in some parts of Yorkshire it is called 'wild lilac' due to its spikes of white flowers in spring.
Where to find bird cherry
Bird cherry is native to northern Europe and northern Asia. It is commonly found in wet woodland, hedgerows and stream and river banks.
Value to wildlife
Like wild cherry, the spring flowers provide an early source of nectar and pollen for bees, while the cherries are eaten by birds including the blackbird and song thrush, as well as mammals such as the badger, wood mouse, yellow necked mouse and dormouse.
The foliage is eaten by caterpillars of many species of moth, including the orchard ermine, brimstone and short cloaked moth, however it is toxic to livestock, particularly goats.
Mythology and symbolism
If placed at the door, the strong-smelling bark of the tree was said to ward off the plague.
How we use bird cherry
The black fruits can be used for making liqueur or dyeing wool.
Bird cherry is lighter and more finely textured than wild cherry.